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Facts And Fiction About Waxing

Facts And Fiction About Waxing

Waxing tends to be the fastest and most cost-effective method of getting rid of unwanted hair from almost all parts of your body. Most people like waxing before the results of this procedure can last you for several weeks. Both the male and female genders can do waxing alike. However, there are several misconceptions about waxing that end up scaring off most potential clients. It is always good to know the truth because the truth will always set you free. Here are some of the things you need to get right about waxing from the word go.

The Hair Should Grow to a Certain Length Before You Wax

Unlike other hair removal techniques, it’s true that you have to allow the hair to grow to a certain length before you wax. The hair should be approximately 1/8 inches long for places such as ear hair and eyebrows and ¼ an inch long for the other parts of the body. It can take the hair close to one week to attain the height of 1/8 inch and two weeks to get to ¼ length so it doesn’t really take a long time.

Waxing Makes the Hair Grow Back Rougher and Thicker

This is a misconception about waxing. The truth of the matter is that waxing will uproot the hair from the roots making the hair that grows back to be softer than ever before. Doing waxing regularly will eventually reduce the hair growth rate.  The hair that grows back tends to be smoother and thinner.

The waxed Area Will Experience Redness and Skin Irritation

This could be true or false depending on your personal skin. Some people who have a sensitive skin will experience a slight swelling or skin redness after waxing. We also have people who get small bumps after waxing. The good thing is that this skin irritation and redness goes away after a few hours. However, avoid any tanning, steam bath, and saunas for a few days after waxing to prevent further irritation. Exfoliate the waxed area on a regular basis so as to prevent the ingrowth of hairs and tighten up the pores.

Waxing Will Change the Color and Tone of Your skin

This is an outright deception. Tanning from the sun is more harmful than waxing and it leads to more skin burning and irritation and this causes skin damage and dark spots in the long run. Waxing only irritates your skin lightly and its wise to apply sun block lotions if you will be spending some time on the sun.

Don’t Take Painkillers Before Waxing

This is another false thought as they don’t have any adverse effect on your health. On the contrary, painkillers are helpful because they will significantly reduce the level of discomfort as you go through the waxing session. However, don’t consume any products that have caffeine as they will enhance the sensitivity of your skin.

These are so many false arguments about waxing. However, its always good to seek advice from professionals like on what you should do and what you need to avoid. Remember waxing is a very enjoyable process that will give you a hair-free skin for several weeks.

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