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T-Shirt No-Nos To Avoid At All Costs


T-shirts come in all sorts of designs and styles. Some are as plain as can be, nondescript all the way down to the tag in the collar. Others are bold and conspicuous enough to be easily identified in a crowd. There really is no standard. As such, you can buy different T-shirts for different occasions.

This is important to know, say the good folks at Five Dollar Tees. They say there are right and wrong times to wear political T-shirts. There are those times when funny T-shirts make people laugh and other times they offend. The long and short of it is that not every T-shirt choice is a good choice.

To illustrate the point, here are a number of T-shirt no-no’s to avoid at all costs:

Leaving Evidence Behind

Police in Cranford, New Jersey recently sent out an alert as they searched for a suspect in a car theft. The crime actually involved five suspects, but four of them were quickly apprehended shortly after the crime. The one who got away was described as wearing a gray ‘Marvin the Martian’ T-shirt.

If you are not familiar with the Looney Tunes cartoons, Marvin the Martian is a character from that franchise. People in their 50s and older will easily recognize him. The younger set, not so much. Here’s the point: you don’t see Marvin shirts every day. There must be someone in that town who knows who the suspect is because they have seen that T-shirt before.

If you are thinking about committing a crime, just don’t. In every other instance that could get you in trouble (even though no crime is involved) be smart about your T-shirt choices. Do not make it easy for somebody to identify you based on what you are wearing.

Not Fitting the Occasion

On a less serious note, another T-shirt no-no is wearing something that is not fitting of the occasion. For example, it would be perfectly acceptable to wear a solid red tee with a black suit to a formal dinner party. It would not be fitting to wear that same suit with a graphic T-shirt telling the entire world how you feel about certain people you disagree with.

Wearing a shirt not fitting of the occasion can brand you with a bad reputation you really don’t want. It can also stir up trouble unnecessarily. If you are ever in doubt, just say no. A bit of common sense along with a little fashion advice can keep you out of trouble.

Going One Size Too Small

We all get the fact that you like showing off your biceps and abs by wearing T-shirts that are one size too small. But just remember that your Atlas physique isn’t going to last forever. Eventually you will sag and bloat like the rest of us. Then your tiny T-shirts will not look so good anymore.

As for the rest of us, going one size too small just shows the world too much. It is really unnecessary, and, in some cases, we run the risk of making people sick. Better to go one size too large and save people from having to see what they don’t really want to see.

In all seriousness, T-shirts are a universal fashion choice we are all familiar with. T-shirts are inexpensive, versatile, comfortable, and easy to wear. Perhaps that’s why most of us have a closet full of them. No other article of clothing performs quite as well as the venerable tee. So even though this post was written a bit tongue-in-cheek, take it to heart when making your own fashion choices.

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